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Releaf Dispensary Voucher Codes

Voucher codes for Releaf Dispensary for February 2025

Save money when you shop online at Releaf Dispensary with these voucher codes. The Releaf Dispensary voucher codes shown on Money Saving Voucher Codes are active and can be used today.

There are 3 active and working voucher codes for Releaf Dispensary
50% OFF consultation
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Voucher Code expires 01/01/2026 at 08:15
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Terms - You may use code FIFTYOFF at checkout to receive a 50% discount on an initial consultation with a specialist Releaf doctor, reducing the consultation fee from £99 to £49.99. This promotional code is valid for a single use per person. Please note that eligibility for medical cannabis treatment will be assessed during the consultation. Should our doctors determine that you do not qualify for medical cannabis, Releaf offers a money-back guarantee to cover the consultation fee, provided that all information provided in pre-consultation was accurate and truthful.
Deal expires 15/01/2026 at 12:30
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Terms - test
If our specialist practitioners determine that medical cannabis is not suitable for you, and you have provided accurate and truthful information, you are entitled to a full refund under our money-back guarantee. For more information, please visit our terms and conditions.
Deal expires 31/12/2025 at 10:53
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Terms -

How to use Releaf Dispensary voucher codes

  1. Click on the code you wish to use, this will take you to Releaf Dispensary site and copy the code for you.
  2. Add some items to your basket that will qualify for the discount.
  3. When you are ready head over to your basket and find the promo code box.
  4. Paste the discount code into the box to apply your savings.

About Releaf Dispensary

Releaf is transforming UK healthcare with medical cannabis, backed by £2M in Health Tech and the first domestically grown products. Join our affiliate program to drive change in healthcare and earn in this emerging market.