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MyThesis Academy Voucher Codes

Voucher codes for MyThesis Academy for February 2025

Save money when you shop online at MyThesis Academy with these voucher codes. The MyThesis Academy voucher codes shown on Money Saving Voucher Codes are active and can be used today.

There is 1 active and working voucher code for MyThesis Academy
Enjoy a 20% discount on your first consulting session with MyThesis Academy. This exclusive offer is available for new students only. Redeem the discount using the promo code WELCOMEMT20 during checkout. Our consulting services are tailored to assist you with your thesis needs, ensuring exceptional support and guidance.
Deal expires 25/06/2025 at 13:29
Visit site and get deal
Terms - Terms and Conditions for Promotional Code WELCOMEMT20 This document outlines the terms and conditions for the “Welcome Student” promotional offer available to new students through the MyThesis Academy affiliate program on the Awin platform. By participating in this promotion, users agree to the following terms: Offer Definition: The promotional code WELCOMEMT20 provides a 20% discount on the first consulting session for new students enrolling through our affiliate program. Eligibility: This offer is valid only for new customers who have not made previous purchases at MyThesis Academy. Not applicable to returning customers and cannot be combined with other promotions. Offer Duration: The offer is valid from [start date] until [end date], or while supplies last, whichever comes first. Usage Conditions: The code must be entered at the time of purchase during the checkout process. The discount applies solely to consulting services and is neither transferable nor exchangeable for cash. Affiliate Responsibility: Affiliates must promote the offer truthfully and adhere to all Awin platform terms. Any misuse of the promotion by affiliates resulting in fraud, abuse, or policy breaches may result in the revocation of promotional privileges. Privacy and Data Protection: All personal information collected during the promotion will be handled in accordance with MyThesis Academy's privacy policy and applicable data protection regulations. Modifications and Cancellations: MyThesis Academy reserves the right to modify or cancel the promotion at any time if circumstances necessitate, without prior notice. Any modifications will be communicated through official channels. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: These terms are governed by the laws of the State of New Mexico, United States. Any disputes arising from these terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

How to use MyThesis Academy voucher codes

  1. Click on the code you wish to use, this will take you to MyThesis Academy site and copy the code for you.
  2. Add some items to your basket that will qualify for the discount.
  3. When you are ready head over to your basket and find the promo code box.
  4. Paste the discount code into the box to apply your savings.

About MyThesis Academy

MyThesis Academy is your expert partner in developing and refining academic theses. We offer personalized guidance, content review, and methodology support. Our team assists students at every stage, ensuring clarity and quality in their research.