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Indigo Herbs Voucher Codes

Voucher codes for Indigo Herbs for February 2025

Save money when you shop online at Indigo Herbs with these voucher codes. The Indigo Herbs voucher codes shown on Money Saving Voucher Codes are active and can be used today.

There are 2 active and working voucher codes for Indigo Herbs
5% off everything on One use per customer. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or offers.
Get Code
Voucher Code expires 31/03/2025 at 22:59
Visit site and use voucher
Terms - One use per customer. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or offers on Voucher code expires midnight 31/01/25.
Spend over £60 and automatically receive free UK shipping
Deal expires 01/04/2025 at 09:08
Visit site and get deal
Terms - Applies to orders over £60 excluding shipping costs. Free shipping is only on orders inside the UK.

How to use Indigo Herbs voucher codes

  1. Click on the code you wish to use, this will take you to Indigo Herbs site and copy the code for you.
  2. Add some items to your basket that will qualify for the discount.
  3. When you are ready head over to your basket and find the promo code box.
  4. Paste the discount code into the box to apply your savings.

About Indigo Herbs

Since 2004, we've specialised in providing premium natural health products, including herbs, superfoods, supplements, teas, and more. Ethically sourced and plant-based, we cater to health-conscious customers seeking quality affordability.