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We're passionate about saving you money. There are 5576 active voucher codes for you today.

Brewers Voucher Codes

Voucher codes for Brewers for December 2024

Save money when you shop online at Brewers with these voucher codes. The Brewers voucher codes shown on Money Saving Voucher Codes are active and can be used today.

There are 19 active and working voucher codes for Brewers
Free Next Day delivery is now for account holders and for transactions over £50
Deal expires 02/04/2027 at 19:36
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Terms - Free Next Day delivery is now for account holders and for transactions over £50
Sign up today! Two different cards - DIY and Pro Trade
Deal expires 01/05/2027 at 19:35
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Terms - Sign up today! Two different cards - DIY and Pro Trade
10% for first and second purchase
Deal expires 01/02/2027 at 19:34
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Terms - 10% for first and second purchase
Save 15% on Osmo
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Save 20% on Johnstone's Joncryl Primer undercoat
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Save 30% on Albany Vinyl Matt
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Introductory offers new size Benjamin Moore Scuff-X
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Save £20 on Benjamin Moore Scuff-X
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Graco Deals
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Mirka Deals
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Latest deals on sundries
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Woodcare offers
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Deals on tinted paints
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Johnstones deals
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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2 for £24 on Brewers Trade Contract Matt
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Benjamin Moore offers
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Latest Dulux deals
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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Shop all Albany offers
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
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November and December Trade deals
Deal expires 29/10/2025 at 23:00
Visit site and get deal

How to use Brewers voucher codes

  1. Click on the code you wish to use, this will take you to Brewers site and copy the code for you.
  2. Add some items to your basket that will qualify for the discount.
  3. When you are ready head over to your basket and find the promo code box.
  4. Paste the discount code into the box to apply your savings.

About Brewers

Brewers Decorator Centres is a family-run business home to the highest quality paint, wallpaper and woodcare supplies. Brewers has over 100 years of the best painting and decorating expertise from our network of over 190 UK stores and online shop.